Turnbull China Bikeride
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Text File
388 lines
| Manual for ALT-itude Software's !U2 |
As of v3.00 !U2 is SHAREWARE:
you are allowed to try this out for a trial
period of 2 weeks, after that you must either
register your copy or delete it.
Read the file 'Licence' for details.
This software is © 1992-5 ALT-itude Software
1. Introduction
!U2 is a RISC OS, multi-tasking binary to ascii convertor, using uuencoding
and uudecoding routines.
The raison d'etre behind such conversions is most e-mailers' inability to
reliably handle any non-ascii characters; ie those with hex values outside
the range &032-&127.
!U2 defines two filetypes:
&00D --- U2Dec --- a general (binary) decoded file
&00E --- U2Enc --- a U2Encoded file
A U2Enc file is, in essence, no different from an ordinary uuencoded
file, but there are some RISC OS specific subtleties which are explained
below. A U2Dec file is a binary file whose filetype you're not sure of.
No doubt Acorn would argue that this is what the Data filetype was
designed for, and we might feel inclined to agree.
!U2 requires the !Scrap directory to have been 'seen' before it runs.
If you don't feel up to reading all this then you might be relieved to learn
that !U2 has interactive help available through Acorn's !Help utility.
2.1 General
Double-click on the !U2 icon to load it, or double-click on a U2Enc file
if !U2 has already been 'seen', this will load !U2 and begin decoding the
To encode a binary file, drag it to the icon; to decode an encoded file,
either double-click on it or drag it to the icon.
!U2 supports Ian Ashley's uuencoded filetype, &7FE, and treats plain text
files (&fff) as encoded. The latter can be loaded by dragging to the icon.
!U2 will decode files that have been encoded and then split into several,
smaller files. It can do this in three ways, detailed below.
1 Place the files in order in a file and decode in the normal way.
2 Place the files in order in a directory and drag the directory to
the !U2 icon. It helps if the directory and the files have similar
name: eg. 'Picture' containing Picture/01, Picture/02,...
3 Place the files in any order in a file and choose 'Extract' in the
options window before decoding (see below).
NOTE: This last is slower than the above methods, makes use of
<Wimp$ScrapDir> (but will tell you if it doesn't find enough free space
to write to) and makes certain assumptions about the input file, as
detailed below.
When !U2 is first loaded, it checks the screen mode and sets the resources
for sprites, etc. accordingly. In the 'Info' box on the iconbar menu it will
say what screen resolution !U2 is set up for. (Note: as the RISC PC sets its
screens in a different manner to other RISC OS machines, and as we don't have
access to one yet :-( we can't say how this will affect the running of !U2.
If you find something weird happening then let us know.)
2.2 Processing Options.
All options are set from the 'Options' submenu (unlike earlier versions
where there were menu options as well). The tool buttons work as follows:
• 'OK' makes the options as shown the current ones.
• 'Cancel' closes the window without changing anything.
• 'Save' makes the options as shown the current ones and
saves them to disk, to become the default when !U2 is next loaded.
• 'Default' resets the window to show the default options !U2 is
supplied with.
• 'Reset' resets the window to show the current options.
• 'Load Manual' loads this file into your default text editor.
IMPORTANT: the Options files from previous versions of !U2 are not compatible
with the newer release.
2.2.1 Encoding Options
• <file>/uue
Names the encoded file as a (truncated) form of the original filename,
appended with /uue for compatibility with other systems (/ becomes replaced
with . on UNIX/DOS systems).
• Enc_xx/uue
Names the encoded file with an incremented number.
• !U2
Includes the filetype of the original file in the 'begin' line (see
below). This option is equivalent to the 'Include' option on earlier versions
of !U2. This may cause problems with other uudecoders which treat the numver
as an octal representation of the access codes for the original file.
Includes the filetype of the original file in a line before the 'begin'
line (see below) in order to enable trouble-free decoding on UNIX/DOS
• Split
Split the encoding across several files. This is particularly useful if you
wish to encode a file which is several hundred kbytes big, as some e-mailers
or netnews posters have a maximum size of file which they will mail. If set,
!U2 will create a directory (called <file>~) and spread the encoding across
files named <file>/01, <file>/02, etc. If the original file starts with '!',
!U2 will replace this with a '>' so as to avoid any truck with problems with
application shells.
• Lines, KBytes
Toggles the interpretation of the number in the writeable icon below them.
1000 lines is approximately equal to 62 Kb, and is the default. !U2 will
default to a value of 4k (66 lines) if a lower value is entered, and 1440k
(23210) if a higher value is entered. (Don't ask why these sizes were chosen
--- it was very late one night and they seemed reasonable then...). The
number in the icon changes when these are clicked.
**Default=KBytes, 60**
Clicking on the arrow icon brings up a menu with some example split
sizes; the top four given in kbytes and the lower four in lines. The two
sets are connected: eg. clicking on 62k ticks both 62k and 1000.
You should note that RISC OS 3.10 allows a _maximum_ of 77 files per
directory (except for DOSFS, NetFS and other image file systems). !U2 will
inform you if you try to split a file across more than 77 parts.
2.2.2 What the encoding options actually _do_
To understand more the effects of the encoding options, consider the
A U2Encoded Sprite with 'Split' and '!U2' selected will begin something like
+--BEGIN-Cut here-[screen part 01 of 03]----------------------+
begin ff9 screen
and end something like this:
+--END-Cut here-[screen part 01 of 03]------------------------+
whereas if 'Split' is unselected and 'UNIX' is it looks like this:
+--BEGIN Cut here [screen] ------------------------------------+
begin 660 screen
and this:
+-- END Cut here [screen] -------------------------------------+
(In both cases the first line is a !U2 specific header line and !U2 will
look for this if 'Extract' is selected.)
Note: some encoded files don't have a 'short' line before the `-line
because the encoding fits exactly into an integer number of M-lines.
With earlier versions of !U2 (pre v3.00), if you chose a size which is a
little too close to a factor of the total encoded size, then there was the
problem that the 'cut' lines said the wrong number of parts, eg they said
'part 03 of 04' when there _were_ only 3 parts. This has been corrected with
the newer versions. (If anyone tries really hard and actually manages to
still get this error, please get in touch!)
The filename of the binary file is included in the encoding. To make things
as easy as possible for the user, any '/'s in the Acorn filename will be
written as '.'s in the encoded file. (!U2 retranslates these characters on
decoding.) Not doing this would cause problems with decoding on non-Acorn
2.2.3 Decoding Options
• Original
Names the decoded binary file from the name included in the 'begin' line
of the encoded file. Don't use this if the file doesn't have such a name in
the encoding.
• Dec_xx
Names the decoded binary file with an incremented number.
• Set Decoded Filetype
Sets the filetype of the decoded file, either by reading it from the
encoded file or by having it entered in the writeable icon on the dialogue
• Read
Will cause !U2 to look for the filetype in the 'begin' line. Don't use
this if the file was not encoded by !U2 with the '!U2' option set, enter the
filetype by hand as detailed below. (When decoding from a &7FE file, 'Set
Type...' should be set to 'Read'.)
• User
Will cause !U2 to look for the filetype in the writeable icon. This can be
entered either by clicking in the icon and entering a 3-digit hex number
(there's no need to type '&'), or by clicking on the arrow icon and selecting
a filetype from the filetypes menu.
**Default=ON, &DDC**
• Extract
Causes !U2 to attempt to parse the encoded data to determine how many
encoded parts are in the file and in what order. If the parts are in the
correct order in the file, there's no need to click on this.
We thought about this for some time and came to the conclusion that the
only time you would have encoded data which had been split and then
assembled out of order is if you got it from either an email or netnews
reader, in both of which cases there will be a 'Subject: ' line for each
part. If !U2 can't find the information from it's own header lines (shown
above) then it will try and get the info it needs from the 'Subject: '
line, if there is one.If there isn't, then we're very sorry, but you'll
have to take each piece out by hand. Sorry, but that's the way it goes.
ALSO: !U2 assumes that the information in each Subject line contains the
part number in one of the following ways. As two numbers separated by a
'/' (which appears to be the de facto standard on most of the binaries
newslists). If it doesn't, then either edit it so it does, or extract the
files by hand. If !U2 can't find the information it needs, it will offer
you the choice of decoding the file as if the parts are in order or
forgetting the whole thing.
(Well, OK, sometimes, someone might mail you the parts without telling
you which are which so !U2 will also look for files of its own by looking
for U2Enc header lines.)
The Hourglass LEDs will be lit while !U2 parses the input file in
single-task mode.
• Set Access
This takes the octal number in the 'begin' line and sets the access of the
decoded file from it.
!U2 will attempt to decode only the lines it sees as containing uuencoded
data, so there's no need to strip mail headers or the like from the files.
2.3 Miscellaneous
• Confirm
When set, !U2 will bring up a window containing the name, icon and size
of the dragged file and the processed file, and the process to be performed.
Clicking on 'OK' will start the coding, 'Cancel' will cancel it. While
the processed file's size given is quite a good estimate of the resulting
file's size, it is still an _estimate_ and you should ensure there is
sufficient space when coding. !U2 will tell you if there isn't sufficient
disk space to write the file. Note that an encoded file is approximately 40%
bigger than the original file.
• Delete Source
Does exactly what it says. Be Careful!
• Multi-Task
Allows you to get on with other things while !U2 processes your file. Click
on the iconbar for a summary of the coding in process. Clicking on !U2 icon
brings up a window with a summary of the process. Clicking on 'Cancel' stops
the process. When coding in multitasking mode, the 'Options' box is
unattainable. Multitasking coding is _much_ slower; in some cases taking
almost twice as long.
• Multiples
This option is currently unsupported.
In the !U2 directory is a file called 'Filetypes' which is read when !U2
starts up. You can customise which filetypes appear by altering the lines
as follows:
To cause !U2 to skip an existing entry, place a '+' in front of it (see
existing file), to include a commented type, remove the '+' and to add a
new one, simply place it before the last line (maintaining a numeric order
would be nice, but is not essential) in the correct format which should be
easy to deduce. !U2 will only take account of the first 50 types.
It is important that the last line:
'+This line must be here.'
is there. If it isn't, !U2 will assume the file is corrupt and generate a
new one, but the only entry will be '00D : U2Dec'. Similarly, if the file
has been renamed or removed, !U2 will generate one, but it will only have
one entry, as above.
It is VITAL that the only lines that don't start with '+' are those lines
that contain the filetypes.
4.Copyright Notice
This release of !U2 (v3) contains the following files:
This file -> Docs.Manual
If the version you've got doesn't contain all these files, then your copy is
not a legitimate copy and you should ask whomever you got your copy from
There is a Changes file that details changes since v2.70.
Feel free to send comments, bug reports, compliments, suggestions etc, either
to the e-mail addresses below or when you _register_. (Read !U2.Licence now!)
4. Acknowledgements
Much respect to Dominic Symes for !Zap, undoubtedly the bestest text editor
for RISC OS. Also to Martin Ebourne for his C mode, without which this would
have been much less colourful.
Thanks to the various people on comp.sys.acorn.tech who helped me with my
problems with panes and pop-ups and other things, particularly Andy
Armstrong, and the dude who wrote get_icon_xy() whose name I can't find
| |
| ALT-itude is: Dr. Ian Giblin e-mail: I.Giblin@sussex.ac.uk |
| Dr. Paddy Spencer e-mail: Paddy.Spencer@helsinki.fi |
| |
| If you think this program is OK, check out our other P.D. work: |
| |
| !Saviour.... desktop auto-save from almost any application |
| !TaskKeys... intelligent desktop function key strips |
| !AppMaker... easy construction of application shells |
| !2048....... count file _and_ directory sizes |
| |
| and also the commercial !SmartCD+, available from the ARM Club. |
| |
| © Paddy Spencer, 12th Jan 1995 |
| This software is supplied 'as is' --- absolutely no warranty is implied |
| nor given. In no circumstances shall the authors be liable for any |
| damage, loss of profits, time or data or any indirect or consequential |
| loss arising from the use of or inability to use this software. |